extending the heart

of our Father to

single parents + beyond

via FREE mental health resources

rooted + established  in love

Hi there! I'm Liz, a single mom of two amazing kids, Brynn and Blake. When I felt the call, to help the next ones in line navigate single parenthood with less roadblocks than I had, I dropped everything to execute this mission. I believe He has called me for such a time as this—to shine light in the darkness and fight for the future with love.

Untamed Hope is born out of my journey—a story of faith, resilience, and unwavering love for single parents and their families. Our mission is to nourish souls and infuse hope into the lives of those navigating the challenges of single parenthood through community, free mental health resource, and online + in-person workshops.

who we are

what we do

At Untamed Hope, we are dedicated to supporting single parents and their families by providing free mental health resources. (Written by a master’s level counselor at Untamed Soul Collective.) We believe that mental health is under attack in our society, and it's crucial to fight back with every tool at our disposal.

who we serve

Untamed Hope is dedicate to serving single parents and their families in the greater Indianapolis area and beyond. Through our online services, we extend our support worldwide to single parents and their children wherever they may be.

our services include

free Mental Health resources

Accessible and supportive resources designed to promote self-care, growth, and healing for single parents and their children. (Written by a master’s level counselor)

community support

Fostering a nurturing community where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered to overcome challenges.

workshops + webinars

Offering workshops and events aimed at equipping single parents with tools to enhance their mental well-being and resilience as well as their children’s.


Our mission is to nourish the souls of single moms + dads so that they aren’t pouring from an empty tank, but an overflow. We offer free mental health resources that promote self-care, growth, and healing, fostering a community where every individual feels valued, understood, and empowered.


We envision a community where we infuse hope into single parents and their families, encouraging them during what is often the most difficult + loneliest time of their lives. We aspire to lead + encourage others by demonstrating the transformative power of compassion and support.


Your gift builds the future

You can support the work Untamed Hope is doing in your community and around the world. 

support the cause

support the cause

Liz Donovan Photography Mini Session Raffle

$10/ entry

FIVE (5) sessions valued at $500 each will be raffled off June 2nd